


curiosity care compassion

Kundalini Yoga & Meditation
Every Tuesday @ Pure Being

6:00pm - 7:30pm
1210 E Main St, Urbana

Need a comfortable landing space to r e a l l y drop-in with yourself? Join us in this small-group class where we practice being with all parts of ourselves with curiosity, care, and compassion.

This class encourages somatic awareness as we move through intuitive movement, energy medicine practices, breathwork, kundalini yoga exercises, and mantra meditation.

Some of the benefits you may experience include: nervous system regulation, cleared stagnant energy in and around the body, breaking the hold of unsupportive thought patterns, empowerment in your healing journey, connection to something greater than yourself, more energy and ease as you align your life with your truth... among many other benefits.

After class, you are welcome to stay and relax as we enjoy homemade tea, snacks, and community connection.

This class is suitable for all levels, including beginners. Please let Kelly know if you have any physical ailments so she can provide great modifications.

About the Teacher

Kelly Mathews completed a 200-hour Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training located just outside of Santa Fe, New Mexico in 2018. Over the last few years she has taught over 200 classes to both beginners and advanced practitioners. The practice has supported her in resolving chronic digestive issues, anxiety, and a fragile sense of self. She is infinitely grateful to have cultivated trust in her own inner guidance and her body's ability to heal.. and what has opened up in her life because of it.