
Kelly Mathews ~

My journey of healing and self exploration came from what felt like hitting rock bottom.

I had been living with chronic digestive issues, cystic acne, and anxiety for years. My sense of self was fragile, and I saw the same unhealthy relationship patterns show up again and again.

Somehow, out of this darkness emerged inspired action.

I found a vinyasa yoga practice, started cleaning up my diet, and sought out psychotherapy. Outside my 8-5 office job, I listened to an endless number of podcasts and audiobooks on personal growth, natural health, and spirituality. I was hooked on healing and found myself “chasing wellness” (a phenomenon I think ought to be talked about among wellness communities.)

When I discovered kundalini yoga, it quickly illuminated my life from the inside out.

Within 6 months, I quit my job, solo road tripped through the mountains, completed a month-long yoga teacher training in the desert, and launched my marketing business, RESONANCE. Since then I’ve supported dozens of soloprenuers and small businesses with web design, writing, and branding.

I watched my chronic digestive issues, anxiety, and fragile sense of self transform into vitality, clarity, and a purpose-driven life. I stopped looking outward for answers and validation… and started trusting my own intuitive nature and inner guidance.

I believe there is wisdom to be found in every philosophy, discipline, and modality — whether it be spiritual, religious, or therapeutic — but when we become too attached to or identified with one or another, it can actually be counterproductive and self-limiting. In sharing kundalini yoga, I hope to inspire people to find their own relationship with the practice, allow it to fit into their belief system, and importantly…

Unearth the clarity, focus and momentum they need to live a deeply meaningful life.